- Auditing & Accounting
- Tax Planning & Consulting
- Funds Resourcing
- Management / Business Consulting
- Estate & Wealth Protection
- Specialization: SEC Compliance
- Specialization: Not-For-Profit Division
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Specialization: Not-For-Profit Division
Our Not-For-Profit Division serves organizations that provide social
and religious services, charitable support, education, scholarly
research and membership benefits. These groups are sometimes referred to
as the independent or non-profit sector, voluntary, charitable or
philanthropic organizations.
Our not-for-profit specialists have many years of experience and fully
understand the special operating problems and environments, which often
face such groups. We can provide the financial statements and other
specialized data required from them by government agencies, major
contributors, grantors, lenders, governing boards and the general
public, as well as independent audits and other financial data as
We are also able to help such organizations to carry out basic finance
and accounting-related functions while keeping operating costs to a
Services Include
● Financial statements
● Accounting,
bookkeeping, tax compliance and management consulting
● Manage the outsourcing
of basic accounting and record keeping functions.